How to Assess Your Visceral Fat

There are several ways to assess your visceral fat. You can check your visceral fat index by measuring your waist. You can also get a CT scan or Bioimpedance scale. In addition, your doctor can perform an exercise evaluation. This is an important step to take in order to reduce your visceral fat. There are general guidelines that healthcare providers follow when evaluating visceral fat.

Visceral fat index

If you are concerned about your visceral fat level, you may want to consult your doctor for a complete assessment. If you have high visceral fat, you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes and other problems. MRI scans will help your doctor determine the extent of your visceral fat and your risk for these problems. Also, they can help you determine your dietary habits and other lifestyle factors.

what is a good number for visceral fat

Visceral fat is not always visible on the outside, but it is a good indicator of your health. This type of fat collects just under the skin and carries various risks. Women tend to store fat around their abdomens, while men tend to store fat throughout their body. However, as we age, our body fat storage patterns change. Women after menopause have less muscle mass than before, and they accumulate more fat in their abdominal area.

A study of 97 obese people showed that a higher visceral fat index is associated with a lower health risk, but a lower visceral fat index is correlated with older age and female gender. Consuming recommended daily portions of fruit and vegetables is also associated with a lower visceral fat index. Moreover, the index can be a helpful predictor of blood pressure and other health conditions.

Bioimpedance scales

Bioimpedance scales are the latest technological advancement in body composition measurement. Unlike traditional methods, bioimpedance scales do not use a needle to measure fat but instead use electrical impulses to measure muscle mass. These scales are usually highly accurate and provide consistent estimates. They measure skeletal muscle mass, which is the kind of muscle attached to bones and involved in movement and lifting. This is the type of muscle that makes you feel strong and capable. This is not the same as your organs such as heart and brain, so you will need to make sure that you eat adequate amounts of protein to increase your muscle mass.

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The most commonly used bioimpedance scales for visceral or abdominal fat are single frequency 50 kHz machines, which use tetrapolar electrodes to measure body composition. Before the test, the participant’s height, age, and weight were entered into a computer. After this, the electrical impedance of the legs and abdominal areas was measured. These values are based on a statistical model of body fat and muscle.

The bioimpedance scale is not designed to measure the waist-to-height ratio, although the app has biometrics that do. However, waist measurement is a better indicator of metabolic health than BMI. People with a waist to height ratio that is 0.5 or lower have a lower risk of all-cause mortality. So if you are interested in losing fat, bioimpedance scales may be the right choice for you.

CT scan

A CT scan for visceral fat is useful for identifying the presence of excess visceral fat. The measurement of visceral fat area varies depending on the respiratory phase of the CT scan and the level of the image. GE Healthcare Co. has developed a special software that measures the area of visceral fat on a single slice CT scan. Furthermore, the Japanese guidelines for obesity treatment define the imaging conditions for a multislice CT scan.

For CT measurements of VFA, accurate techniques are required. The patient must be positioned supine during the procedure and the imaging conditions must be accurate. The measurement of visceral fat area was determined by drawing a line within the muscle wall, then subtracting this measurement from the total fat area. This measurement correlates closely with computed planimetric measurements. In addition, it is convenient and easy to use.

The accuracy of the measurement is not 100%. The accuracy of the measurement of visceral fat varies among different people, including men and women. The results of the study are limited, however, by the lack of standardization. The study also uses a subset of patients for statistical analysis. The number of patients included in the study is limited to 727. For example, the same CT scan may show a large percentage of patients with an abnormal abdominal aorta. However, it is possible to detect hepatitis and other diseases using a CT scan.


Regular aerobic exercise can help you reduce visceral fat without dieting. Exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, and running are especially effective. And if you combine these activities with a good diet, you can get a more effective result. Exercise is important to lose visceral fat because it increases insulin sensitivity. It also boosts metabolism for hours after exercise. A good number of exercise sessions a week will help you lose visceral fat.

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While many people have difficulty losing visceral fat, there are some effective techniques to reduce it. A healthy diet, reduced alcohol consumption, and plenty of exercise can help you burn more energy than you consume. In addition, it is advisable to avoid trans fats and excessive alcohol. Studies have shown that trans fat intake is positively linked to abdominal fatness. Moreover, you should avoid alcohol, as excessive consumption of alcohol increases visceral fat accumulation.

A medical-grade body composition analyzer measures visceral fat. The amount of fat surrounding internal organs in the abdomen is called visceral fat. The ideal visceral fat area is below 100 cm2, but a higher number can mean trouble. MRI scans are the best way to determine the amount of visceral fat, but they are costly and only performed during surgical procedures or investigative treatments for diseases.


Excessive abdominal fat has been linked to stress for several reasons. The stress hormone cortisol plays a role in the storage of abdominal fat. When levels of stress are high, cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, which help control blood sugar levels and metabolism. This hormone is part of the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response, and is responsible for the “stress belly” we see on many people.

Research shows that overall stress is a significant predictor of current abdominal fat. Domain-specific stress is more limited, but shows a strong association with abdominal fat. Stress has been linked to abdominal fat accumulation in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans. There is, however, conflicting evidence in human studies. In longitudinal analyses of a five-year prospective study, stress was associated with an increased waist circumference.

Researchers found that children who reported more stressful school events reported higher levels of total cortisol. This suggests that they have more chronic stress. Furthermore, a high CAR has been associated with increased total cortisol levels and weight in female medical and nursing students. Men did not exhibit the same effects. These findings suggest that stress and cortisol increase abdominal fat. Further, there is also evidence that cortisol and stress are related to increased levels of VAT.

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In addition to being a risk factor for abdominal fat, high levels of cortisol are a cause of obesity. While stress is normal and healthy, excessive levels can have negative consequences. Cortisol increases blood sugar levels and causes fat to be stored in the abdomen. This can lead to obesity and high risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, stress causes alterations in metabolism and the distribution of hormones throughout the body.


After undergoing liposuction, a patient’s visceral fat will remain after the procedure. The reason for this is that visceral fat is lodged deep inside the body. While it is not a cosmetic concern, it can be detrimental to health. In fact, high levels of visceral fat are known to lead to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

The good news is that this kind of fat is not usually visible with the naked eye. It is typically firm to touch, but people often confuse the texture of skin with that of fat. After liposuction, a patient’s upper abdomen should look firm. For men, the problem area might appear more protuberant than the lower belly, but they can still undergo liposuction on this part of the body.

Another benefit of this procedure is that it can help patients lose subcutaneous fat. This surgery can remove up to 80 percent of the fat storing cells in the subcutaneous tissues. Despite the risk of weight regain, this procedure is safe and effective for people who are not obese and have a healthy lifestyle. However, it should be noted that patients must change their diet and exercise habits after liposuction in order to prevent a recurrence of the fat.

Typically, the procedure targets subcutaneous fat that is located just below the skin and over muscle. However, the visceral fat is located underneath the muscle and around internal organs. Despite these benefits, visceral fat is not easily eliminated with liposuction. Therefore, the only real way to fight visceral fat is with diet and exercise. However, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons does not endorse these views.


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